This week we had a hard game against a full strength squad from Arsenal on Pitch 6.
We had quite a few players away sick or with family commitments this weekend, so in the first half we played Jessica (c), Zaqiy, Raphael and Mackay on Pitch A in a 4-a-side format while Felix and Zachary joined a pickup team from Arsenal on Pitch B. In the second half we swapped Jessica and Zaqiy out to give Felix and Zachary a run with the Aston Villa squad.
Here is our Week 7 slideshow:
Some of our players were struggling to find their feet this week, but we might be seeing some fatigue from the coughs and colds that are doing the rounds. We saw some great defensive work from Raphael and a Player of the Day attacking performance in the first half from Zaqiy.
Hopefully we see everyone back and feeling fit after this week and we do some more work on our passing and attacking drills, following Zaqiy's example of keeping the ball heading toward the opposition end.
Next weekend we play Everton on the same pitch (6). See you all there!
Good Luck for next week :)